Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Sad Tale of Clyde Baughman

[Begin e-mail transcript]

Vogel: She pulled it off in a little under 30 hours and independently. I'd say you've chosen a resourceful woman.

Mr. White: Of course I have. She did it cleanly, too. And she's been back in touch with her brother after a long silence. I think it was good for her.

Vogel: As ever you are the model of human compassion.

Mr. White: I prefer mentally stable assets, Vogel. So what were the results of Eli's sweep of the site?

Vogel: Burned debris in the septic tank. Remains of paper, magnetic recording media, and cloth. Human footprints heading north and west before disappearing near a rocky canyon. Extrapolation of trajectory: it's heading to Vegas.

Mr. White: Send a warning to that cell, if they even bother to listen. So what Eli saw on the satellite surveillance is correct: she took the glass sphere.

Vogel: It must be. Surveillance of her apartment confirmed an unusual magnetic field there. Then she purchased something from a curiosity shop, cash. A follow-up interview with the owner is that it was lead-lined box.

Mr. White: Good. She knows how to keep a secret. Anything else you can tell me about those things?

Vogel: Only from the original mission report in 1966. Evidence of extraterrestrial activity in the Copper Queen mine. A team was sent for a standard Opera session. Report is that they located 101 of those spheres. When Delta Green reformed, only 73 were accounted for in the Green Box.

Mr. White: Now we have 74. What sorts of extraterrestrials.

Vogel: The Kuiper belt inhabitants, sir.

Mr. White: What could they want under those mountains?

Vogel: We'll step up geological surveying. Anything else?

Mr. White: Yes. Make sure Campos and Sanchez meet. We'll need have them visit the Superstitions soon.

Vogel: Are you sure we want to risk them just to pad the accounts?

Mr. White: No. But I also want to see exactly what they're capable of.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Recruiting Phillip Sanchez

E-mail transcript follows:

This one is complicated, but it shows you how Mr. White thinks.

Transcript of interrogation of suspect Phillip Sanchez Date: [REDACTED]

Interrogator: Thank you for the cooperation, Mr. Sanchez. We'll see what we can do about getting you into witness protection.

Sanchez: You're welcome. Say, what was up with that thing that shot we down? I didn't know they tested new craft out of Davis-Monthan now.

Interrogator: What are you talking about? A rogue lightning strike hit that plywood glider of yours and brought you down.

Sanchez: It wasn't a lightning strike. The night was clear. After about an hour, I saw this cloud of moving, multi-colored lights. I couldn't quite make out what they were, but the lights moved independently of each other and kept shifting colors. It was almost pretty, but way too creepy.

Interrogator: You just saw surface lights refracting off the radar balloon, Mr. Sanchez.

Sanchez: I was flying without instruments, but I've memorized that balloon's pattern. It was about ten miles east of where I was. I got within about fifty yards of that cloud of lights. I could hear it making a buzzing noise even over the wind. For a minute it looked like it was trying to maneuver away from me, but couldn't quite manage it. I was trying to maneuver away, but the wind was restricting my movements in the glider.

Interrogator: Buzzing noise?

Sanchez: Yeah. Like bees or mosquitoes or something else altogether. Then, as I was getting closer, the cloud shot me with a--I think it was a gun--some kind of weapon that projected a bolt of lightning. In the light I kind of made out the cloud a little better. They looked like giant shrimps with wings, and the glowing bits were the heads.

Interrogator: I--what are you talking about?

Sanchez: It looked like most them were carrying crates or canisters or something. Wait, were they aliens? Do you have aliens patrolling the Whetstones now? So X-files, but kind of cool, too.

Interrogator: You hallucinated all that due to the trauma of the crash, Mr. Sanchez. I'll make sure we get you in to see a therapist.

Copy of Intercepted E-mail Correspondence:

From: mr_white@deltagreen.gov
To: emcknight123@deltagreen.gov

Thank you for the information, Doctor. If what you said of your evaluation of Mr. Phillip Sanchez is true, he'll make an excellent asset. He survived a very close encounter with those extra-terrestrials we believe to inhabit the Kuiper Belt. Further, if what he said is true, they are active much further afield then our initial intelligence suggested.
Forward me the rest of his file. My assistant is already pulling strings at the U.S. Marshals to get him assigned to another recently acquired asset as his "handler" while he is in witness protection.